Get original electronic components, cheaper & quicker.

Sometimes, finding the good electrical component for your PCBAs can be very troublesome. Prices and lead time are very challenging while you are not sure to get the good quality of components.

Based on our long experience in providing electronics from China, we offering services to source the components you are looking for. Don’t hesitate to send us online your request for quotation.

References of electronic components :

Available electronic components

Type of components

We are helping our customer to source many different kind of components according to their needs :

Components brands

As international brands sales process if complicated, and involve vendor validation, AGC is supporting collaboration with them, providing garanties and transparency. Below is an indicative list of brands we work with :

Electronic components brands
Texas InstrumentsAMD2Pai SemiIssiMontage LZInfineon
Würth ElectronikTDKHedJemoMxchipMonolithic Power Systems
ST microelectronicsAnalog DevicesHdscLatticeNcepowerAllegro Microsystem
Mouser electronicsAmlogicOsramLiteonNetswiftHAMLIN
SK HynixBellingAurasemiLongsysNuvotonLittelfuse
Diodes IncorporatedAwinicCambriconLontiumNexpediaIXYS
Fudan MicroGiga DeviceGokemicroMicroneQualcommSolomon Systech
OmnivisionSimcomUnisocXMCXilinxWeen Semi
electronic components

Why China is a good place to find electronic components ?

China was exporting in 2020 more than 200B$ of PCBA and electronic components, even if many electronic component manufacturers are not Chinese owned companies, most of them own manufacturing site in China. China is also at the neighbor and main market of other electronics tigers : Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

World’s biggest PCBA assembly lines

China is still the manufacturing hub of the world, especially for electronic equipment, many EMS and OEMs are based in China and exporting all over the world. This concentration of electronic component users is creating a huge market, in time of electronic component shortage priority is given to the biggest markets, making it easier in China to purchase electronic components than in Europe for example.

Electronic components localisation

Besides of the big international component manufacturing brands, China also offers a comprehensive range of local suppliers with agressive pricing and acceptable quality for most of the common components. Working in components localisation (change of international brand references for local equivalents) can bring down cost and lead time of components availability for integrated circuits assembly.